The Decentralized DAPP Connector
ZipDAPP is a standardized permisssionless API connection point for users, APPs and DAPPs designed to authenticate transactions by inscribing records onto an immutable blockchain.
The idea came about in an effort to solve an incredibly expensive problem for the HVAC industry: (it can easily be used for other purposes but we'll outline the technology in this context)
The Problem
The warranty servicing expense for HVAC manufacturers is enormous which causes significant price inflation for the equipment.
Most manufacturers offer a 10 year warranty on all parts which isn't unreasonable assuming the equipment is well maintained. For that reason, manufacturer's "require" annual maintenance in order for the equipment to qualify for 10 years of coverage, but it's nearly impossible to enforce this requirement... until now, using ZipDAPP.
Imagine an automobile manufacturer being required to supply replacement engines for cars after tens of thousands of miles even if the original motor oil has never been replaced.
The maintenance requirement is impossible to enforce because maintenance records are easily and regularly falsified to process warranty claims. Someone in the supply chain (property owner, contractor or distributor) will typically just, "push it through" and process the claim effectively forcing the manufacturer to replace the failed part(s) and 'eat' the expense. If the property owners would simply conduct regular maintenance, the failures would be significantly reduced; or at a minimum, the manufacturers shouldn't be forced to supply free replacement parts for millions of unmaintained machines.
The worldwide cost to the HVAC industry is easily billions of dollars!
The Solution
ZipDAPP will create time-stamped, immutable records of maintenance that can be quickly reviewed to validate warranty compliance.
How does it work?
Without getting too technical, a blockchain is a public (but encrypted... so, also private) ledger of transactions. That translates to a time-stamped, immutable record of maintenance which is impossible to falsify. It will provide protection for manufacturers, contractors and property owners ensuring that no singular entity in the supply chain can either qualify or disqualify a warranty claim by leveraging the ignorance of the other entities.
That's the major value here and it's relatively straightforward. Many additional value propositions will also be built into ZipDAPP which we'll cover in the following sections.
The Business Model
The business model for ZipDAPP is relatively straight-forward.
ZipDAPP will charge fees to users who wish to "Zip" data using the DAPP.
These transactions (aka "Zips") will generate revenue for ZipDAPP.
Zips include (but are not limited to):
Zip Registration - One time account creation & set-up fees
Zip Up - Inscribing records
Zip Down - Retrieving & decoding encrypted records
Zip Subscriptions - Regular users (typically contractors and manufacturers) will be able to subscribe to various "Zip Packs" effectively obtaining a bulk discount on Zips.
Additional ZipDAPP Value
Consumer Value:
Do you ever get tired of filling out the exact same information over and over and over again? (think account creation, profile set-up, submitting files or address changes)
...with ZipDAPP, you can fill-in your Zipper with your information and share it by simply Zipping the DAPP. It can also be used to easily syndicate your content across multiple Web2 platforms (YouTube, A Blog Page, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tic Tok, etc.)
Let's say you want to sign up for a Cyber Maintenance Club offered by an HVAC Contractor...
You'll execute the agreement, make payments, and access benefits by Zipping the DAPP.
The Cyber Contractor will be able to review and create new service & maintenance records for your equipment ...only when you Zip the DAPP.
You can also grant (or revoke) remote access to your Smart Thermostat with ZipDAPP.
Let's say you want to fire your HVAC Contractor because their quality has diminished...
Unzip the DAPP to securely disconnect from your current provider.
You control the records (which is essential for warranty claims) and API connections.
You can seamlessly Zip the DAPP with a new provider (sharing service & maintenance records in this way eliminates the frequently exploited "unknown history" phenomenon).
Contractor Value:
Develop a Competitive Edge
Cutting Edge CRM & Loyalty Programs
Cutting Edge Marketing Systems
Manufacturer Value:
Warranty Servicing Automation
Proof of Learning system for Dealers & Technicians
Last updated